Christway Kids (6-11)


Ken Roberts
Children’s Pastor

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WHEN: Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM; Sundays* @ 10:30 AM

WHERE: Downstairs

*On the 1st Sunday of every month, all children ages 6-11 will be in the sanctuary with their families.

Christway Kids is far more than childcare! We are building, training, & equipping our kids for victorious life in Christ, as well as encouraging them to reflect Christ in every facet of life. We do this through object lessons, music, lesson-oriented games, videos, and more!

I want to teach the kids truths I wish I had learned much earlier in my own life.
— Pastor Ken Roberts

Each one of us has been uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s work. If you are interested in serving in this area of ministry & being on our Dream Team, find out more here.